Image of Cyprus coastline.


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Recent data from a Europewide survey conducted in the spring of 2022, revealed that 11% of Cypriots reported unmet needs for health care, with a significant 30% of those unmet needs attributed to mental health care (OECD/European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2023).

Despite this evident need for counseling services in the country, counseling is an emerging profession in Cyprus. There exists a scarcity of academic pathways for aspiring professional counselors, compounded by the lack of standardized regulation for counseling practices across Europe. Consequently, Cypriots find themselves with limited access to professional resources in this critical area. 

In a proactive effort to address these challenges, EBCC actively collaborates with strategic partners across Europe. Together, we strive to establish credentialing programs that adhere to rigorous counseling standards and best practices.

For those seeking information on available programs in Cyprus, approved by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) and its affiliates, the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) and the NBCC Foundation, refer to the list of providers below:

Michelle Frantzi Counseling & Educational Services, Ltd., Limassol

Global Career Development Facilitator

Mental Health Facilitator

OECD/European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. (2023). Cyprus: Country health profile 2023, state of health in the EU.